Lockdown Day 24: Patience

Yesterday we managed to film the service for tomorrow. It felt so good geting it filmed two whole days ahead of time… all done late Friday afternoon. In days pre lockdown I would be super impressed with myself. But we are not in those days. And it isn’t all done. You see, the joys of technology means there is a whole lot more that actually needs to be done. The “I want it now” in me that surfaces is struggling to be suppresed as we keep learning what this new process involves. For those of you who know Willy Wonker and the chocolate factory, will remember Veruca Salt, when she turns to her Daddy and says “I don’t care how, I want it now!” That is what I find myself thinking when it comes to uploading services! Not very helpful though. I’ve always known that patience is not my good suit when it comes to fruits of the Spirit, but this is a blunt reminder. It is times like these when we discover again our own flaws. Galatians 5: 22-23 list the fruits of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We are constantly being reminded to choose kindness, but maybe we also need to reach into the other fruits in the bowl. For today, I will work on patience… whilst being very thankful that Amelia has more patience than I.

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