Level 3 Day 4: Bloopers

Today was filming day at the manse -it involves everyone so it is an extreme logistics event. Amidst people collecting worship kits to deliver from them manse, the phone going and time constraints of dance classes to be taught; add to that my forgetting to prepare my “wall” so madly cutting the appropriate sized pieces of cardboard for the children’s talk, a boom that decided not to connect and speakers that failed, it was a stressful start.

And so we began to film… to discover some sacred space in the midst of crazy. To reach out from our bubble across a technological medium, to many other bubbles, in order to worship together. And I suspect that what we offer does not reach you in some perfectly held sacred space either. At church we may be able to remove ourselves from the stresses of home, but church @ your place means we have to face the reality of the sacred entering our most human spaces. And so perhaps the reality is we film from our crazy to your crazy. Each of us struggling at times to discover the sacred in our very human bubbles. But the wonder of it all for me was that in our communion, in that simple act of breaking the bread and holding the cup, I was in a sacred space. Even in the incompleteness of communion in isolation, I found the sacred was there all along -and I hope you will too.

Just to show how crazy it gets sometimes, below is not a photo today, but rather a blooper from our recording. Alma our foster puppy began to cry in her crate while I prayed, and eventually it got too much… I hope it makes you smile in your sometimes crazy bubble.