Level 3 Day 11 : Connections

Yesterday zoomed by -literally -with zoom meetings in the morning, then filming in the afternoon and sorting worship kits and Young Church kits in the evening, so my blog just didn’t happen. However, as I reflect on this process of enabling worship from a distance, I am grateful for the opportunities these give me for prayer. Each kit is now named, so that person is thought about and prayed for as the resources get placed in their bag. Their situation, their bubbles, their families… it is a gift for me, to remember each one, perhaps more than them. Just as Amelia decides what coloured butterfly each child would like in their kit, she remembers their preferences and their personalities.

And as we film the Sunday service it feels like it is Sunday for us. Somehow time is not a barrier -what we do on Friday meets what you do on Sunday within the grace of God. And now as the awesome people who deliver the kits arrive at our gate for their load, we will head into a day of normal family life. Blessed indeed.

kits ready 9 may.jpg